
#302.1 un Résumé

Recently I’ve been reading a book called “The Virtue of Selfishness”, written by Russian-American novelist, philosopher, Ayn Rand. I’m not even close to finishing the book and because the book is a bit challenging for me to understand, I don’t have much to write about the book at this point but her ideas are very attractive. Rand rejects the idea of altruism, the concept of self-sacrifice for others. She believes in, that one’s life belongs to nobody but oneself and one should not put others ahead of oneself on the priority list, the idea of egotism. She believes that altruism is the evil doctrine that destroys the natural idea of the right of the individuals.

3 件のコメント:

  1. Hi, Omae (!),

    How about a short introduction to the book in Japanese, for your classmates? It'd be great if some other students read this book or any book by Rand. I bought the Japanese version of this book, and it will be on the library shelves soon.

  2. Nice photo. Have you put on weight? And you look kinda older than I remember... Is that your dad???

  3. I read "Atlas Shrugged" and "Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand.I was overwhelmed her individualism first. But I could see mechanism of this society in her work.So, I became to see her claim is valid.
