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Comparison of British Christmas and New Year with American Christmas and New Year

Today, I’m going to compare Japanese Christmas and New Year with British Christmas and New Year.
In Britain, Christmas Day is a holiday, but Christmas Eve is not. People buy presents for friends and family and hide them until Christmas Eve. Then they put the presents under the Christmas tree. People usually have parties on Christmas Eve and spend Christmas Day with their family. On Christmas Day, people go to church, open their p resents, eat Christmas lunch and watch the Queen’s Speech. Christmas lunch is usually roast turkey, roast potatoes, vegetables, mince pies and Christmas pudding.
In America, also, Christmas Day is a holiday. Traditional Christmas dinner includes roast chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy sauce or cranberry sauce, mincemeat pies and Christmas cake. People buy presents for friends and family and hide them under the Christmas tree. When buying presents, make sure the gift receipt is included because that is almost as important as the present itself. Gift receipt is a proof to exchange one’s present in any circumstance.
In Britain, New Year is a short holiday. Only January 1st is a holiday. People go to parties on New Year’s Eve, stay up until midnight with family and friends and celebrate New Year with champagne. Although January 2nd is not a holiday, many people stay home. There is not special food for New Year.
In America, although not as big as the Independence Day, New Year is a big celebration across the land. Some people stay home and celebrate New Year with their family but some people gather in big cities like New York, Chicago, Seattle or San Francisco to see fireworks.
In both Britain and America, people spend the holidays with family and friends. In both Britain and America, people eat special food and give presents at Christmas. In both Britain and America, Christmas is more important than New Year.
This winter break I went back to Kawasaki City in Kanagawa Prefecture where my grandpa lives. Unfortunately I had to spend the memorable moment by myself because my grandpa went to sleep at 9 pm on the 31st of December but other than that, my winter break was satisfying. The best part was that I got to spend a little time with my dad on the 29th of December. He went back to America the next day so he could spend the New Year with family.



My plan for this coming winter break is to stay healthy and get rich.
I am going to stay in Nara until the 28th of December and head to Kawasaki city in Kanagawa where my grandpa lives. I will celebrate new years with my grandpa and my dad, if he comes. The week from the first day of the new year will be very busy. I will meet couple of my old friends from San Jose, I have to go visit my uncle and aunt who live in Chiba and my friend who lives in Tokyo. This friend who lives in Tokyo is a famous soccer player in Japan. She plays for NT Beleza, and also for Nadeshiko Japan. Her house owns a Ramen-noodle restaurant in Tokyo. I have never been to her restaurant so I am very excited to visit her place.




Ludwig van Beethovenである。








I would like to compare police officers in Japan and in The United States.

[JAPAN] This is when I was still 15 years old. I came back to Kawasaki, Japan with my family for summer vacation. I was with my friend, smoking cigarettes in front of some convenience store. A police officer came up to us and asked how old we were. I think he knew we were underage. I replied in English. He didn't say anything. I kept talking in English and he never answered. Finally, he left the place saying 「もういい、もういい、わけわからん」

[USA] I was with my Japanese friend, smoking in front of Seven-Eleven near our high school. The cop came up to us and asked us how old we were. We had a backpack on and it was near our high school so the cop knew we were underage. I talked back in Japanese and the cop didn't say anything. I kept talking in Japanese and finally the cop took us into his car saying " I don't understand what you are talking so let's get in the car and have someone help me translate. I won't hurt you, so let's get in the car"



How to make yourself look smart.

First, go get a pair of glasses. If you have long hair, go get a haircut also. Then, wash your face and shave your mustache and beard. And don't forget to wear a suit. In addition, carry a laptop with you the whole time. Take it out whenever you have free time and pretent you are writing an email to client overseas. At the same time, you can take out your phone and hold it with your shoulder and your ear, pretending you are talking to somebody. Decide what job you are doing and try to use technical terms a lot. For instance, "negative, Y2 negative, overbooked so send a few to C class and FARMS will answer you... affirm.". This conversation is used between airline workers. Another example is, " Where you at? kickin' at downtown SAN-JO(pronounce it as SAN-HO), 314 over at 408 and few crown-vic comin' over. Hola to 314 later up. Down on 187?" If anybody was listening to this conversation and understood this, they will freak out. This kind of conversation is mainly done by gangs. So be careful :)
Well, by doing all these things you will surely make yourself look smart and make sure never to shout when you are on the phone. Stay calm and keep your voice low and gentlemen-like

***** I am not responsible for your action *****



