

How to make yourself look smart.

First, go get a pair of glasses. If you have long hair, go get a haircut also. Then, wash your face and shave your mustache and beard. And don't forget to wear a suit. In addition, carry a laptop with you the whole time. Take it out whenever you have free time and pretent you are writing an email to client overseas. At the same time, you can take out your phone and hold it with your shoulder and your ear, pretending you are talking to somebody. Decide what job you are doing and try to use technical terms a lot. For instance, "negative, Y2 negative, overbooked so send a few to C class and FARMS will answer you... affirm.". This conversation is used between airline workers. Another example is, " Where you at? kickin' at downtown SAN-JO(pronounce it as SAN-HO), 314 over at 408 and few crown-vic comin' over. Hola to 314 later up. Down on 187?" If anybody was listening to this conversation and understood this, they will freak out. This kind of conversation is mainly done by gangs. So be careful :)
Well, by doing all these things you will surely make yourself look smart and make sure never to shout when you are on the phone. Stay calm and keep your voice low and gentlemen-like

***** I am not responsible for your action *****

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