

I would like to compare police officers in Japan and in The United States.

[JAPAN] This is when I was still 15 years old. I came back to Kawasaki, Japan with my family for summer vacation. I was with my friend, smoking cigarettes in front of some convenience store. A police officer came up to us and asked how old we were. I think he knew we were underage. I replied in English. He didn't say anything. I kept talking in English and he never answered. Finally, he left the place saying 「もういい、もういい、わけわからん」

[USA] I was with my Japanese friend, smoking in front of Seven-Eleven near our high school. The cop came up to us and asked us how old we were. We had a backpack on and it was near our high school so the cop knew we were underage. I talked back in Japanese and the cop didn't say anything. I kept talking in Japanese and finally the cop took us into his car saying " I don't understand what you are talking so let's get in the car and have someone help me translate. I won't hurt you, so let's get in the car"


2 件のコメント:

  1. Interesting comparison based on your own experience. Though I wonder if all policemen in Japan and in US are like that, they may have that kind of tendency.

  2. After the cop took you to the police office,What did he do to you? Could you come back your home soon?
