

My plan for this coming winter break is to stay healthy and get rich.
I am going to stay in Nara until the 28th of December and head to Kawasaki city in Kanagawa where my grandpa lives. I will celebrate new years with my grandpa and my dad, if he comes. The week from the first day of the new year will be very busy. I will meet couple of my old friends from San Jose, I have to go visit my uncle and aunt who live in Chiba and my friend who lives in Tokyo. This friend who lives in Tokyo is a famous soccer player in Japan. She plays for NT Beleza, and also for Nadeshiko Japan. Her house owns a Ramen-noodle restaurant in Tokyo. I have never been to her restaurant so I am very excited to visit her place.




Ludwig van Beethovenである。








I would like to compare police officers in Japan and in The United States.

[JAPAN] This is when I was still 15 years old. I came back to Kawasaki, Japan with my family for summer vacation. I was with my friend, smoking cigarettes in front of some convenience store. A police officer came up to us and asked how old we were. I think he knew we were underage. I replied in English. He didn't say anything. I kept talking in English and he never answered. Finally, he left the place saying 「もういい、もういい、わけわからん」

[USA] I was with my Japanese friend, smoking in front of Seven-Eleven near our high school. The cop came up to us and asked us how old we were. We had a backpack on and it was near our high school so the cop knew we were underage. I talked back in Japanese and the cop didn't say anything. I kept talking in Japanese and finally the cop took us into his car saying " I don't understand what you are talking so let's get in the car and have someone help me translate. I won't hurt you, so let's get in the car"



How to make yourself look smart.

First, go get a pair of glasses. If you have long hair, go get a haircut also. Then, wash your face and shave your mustache and beard. And don't forget to wear a suit. In addition, carry a laptop with you the whole time. Take it out whenever you have free time and pretent you are writing an email to client overseas. At the same time, you can take out your phone and hold it with your shoulder and your ear, pretending you are talking to somebody. Decide what job you are doing and try to use technical terms a lot. For instance, "negative, Y2 negative, overbooked so send a few to C class and FARMS will answer you... affirm.". This conversation is used between airline workers. Another example is, " Where you at? kickin' at downtown SAN-JO(pronounce it as SAN-HO), 314 over at 408 and few crown-vic comin' over. Hola to 314 later up. Down on 187?" If anybody was listening to this conversation and understood this, they will freak out. This kind of conversation is mainly done by gangs. So be careful :)
Well, by doing all these things you will surely make yourself look smart and make sure never to shout when you are on the phone. Stay calm and keep your voice low and gentlemen-like

***** I am not responsible for your action *****






#330.1 hérisson

My sister sent me these pictures the other day via email.
Take a look. It's so adorable :D



In 1917, on this day, National Hockey League (NHL) was formed. Montreal Canadiens, Montreal Wanderers, Ottawa Senators, Quebec Bulldogs, and Toronto Arenas were its first teams.




#323.1 Le marketing risqué

Marketing at the risk of one’s life

The leader of company has to be eager and must work without a sparing himself / herself to make the company successful but sometimes it’s dangerous.
The CEO of Philip Morris and her grandson, Paul Maul are in the bank. Her cigarette and lighter are in her hand. The woman is making a deposit and cashing a check. A man with a hat is walking in. His picture is on the wall. He walks to a window. He pulls out the Smith & Wesson revolver. He shows a note that asks for money. He takes two bags of money. He starts to run away. The lady hits him with her lighter. She stops him. A policeman takes the robber away. A crowd watches. The bank director, Bruce Carpenter gives the CEO a reward. She looks happy to get the money. Philip gets seven balloons from Bruce. Philip also has a big smile on his face. Few days later, she went to the jail to meet him secretly. She gave him a reward, thanking him for advertising Philip Morris brand cigarette as an outcome. While he was running away from the police, he had his cigarette in his mouth the whole time.





#309.2 en automne

In America people celebrate "the Thanksgiving Day" on the fourth Thursday on November every year. The Thanksgiving Day is the day to thank the harvest and show gratitude towards everything. Traditionally people eat turkey and punpkin pie but it is still not proven why we eat turkey and pumpkin pie on the Thanksgiving Day.

#309.1 le cinq Novembre


Bonfire Night-5th November

In November 1605, the infamous Gunpowder Plot took place in which some Catholics plotted to blow up the English Parliament and King James l, on the day set for the king to open Parliament. The men were angry because the king had treated them badly and they didn't like it.
The story is remembered each 5th November when 'Guys' are burned in a celebration known as "Bonfire Night".






#302.1 un Résumé

Recently I’ve been reading a book called “The Virtue of Selfishness”, written by Russian-American novelist, philosopher, Ayn Rand. I’m not even close to finishing the book and because the book is a bit challenging for me to understand, I don’t have much to write about the book at this point but her ideas are very attractive. Rand rejects the idea of altruism, the concept of self-sacrifice for others. She believes in, that one’s life belongs to nobody but oneself and one should not put others ahead of oneself on the priority list, the idea of egotism. She believes that altruism is the evil doctrine that destroys the natural idea of the right of the individuals.





#295.2 Vacances d'été

This summer I went back to Silicon Valley to spend time with my lovely family. I stayed for about 1 month and had a great time. Aside from the fact I've suffered pneumonia, everything was outstanding. I got to spend time with my friends from high school which was very exciting since many of them have moved to socal. We got to celebrate my mommy's birthday and this was by far, the best memory of my stay in this summer.

#295.1 ma Présentation

I was born in Muscat, Oman in 1986. We moved to Indonesia and Pakistan before we landed in Japan in 1990. During my 6 years of elementary education, I went to 6 different schools in 4 different countries. It was such an experience. We spent 13 years in Silicon Valley in California from 1995 to 2008. Last year, I came to Nara, Japan by myself and have been living since. I miss my family a lot.


